Sadistic Killer Shoves Death in my Face

We party late into the night while we are traveling through Japan. I’ve never been, but I do have friends that live there in real life. 3am, we decide to stagger home and I walk into the hotel suite. Breakfast is sitting on the bed and after partying, I have a need for some subsistence, so I pop into the washroom to wash up.

As soon as I turn on the tap, I get an aweful feeling in the pit of my stomach. I slowly look up into the mirror and realize that behind the drawn shower curtain there is a hulking silhouette standing in the bath tub. I freeze and the shadow moves, a hand emerges from behind the curtain holding a photograph. The photo drops and swoops to my feet. I look down to see an image of me being murdered by this thing in the bathtub. I turn to run and I’m grabbed by the wrist and shoved against the wall.

I struggle madly, but my actions are heavy and I can feel I’m losing against this creature. It is moist, dark, leathery and has black pearly eyes. It reminds me of a raven. I stop struggling and it dawns on me that this is the same position I seen in the photo and I can sense that I’ll be killed soon. It’s bony hands reach for my throat and I start gasping for air even before it touches me. I squirm and wake up, only to find I’m once again laying down in the bathroom. Even before I can stand up, the creature pounces on top of me into the same position as the photo. I scream and wake myself up for real.

Raven by tj.blackwell

Raven by tj.blackwell